
Online Activities
Division with Remainders - You will model division with remainders in the quotients. You can find the amount left over after you have shared equally with friends. Has printable recording sheet.
Tunnel Blaster - Too much fun! Shoot the wall that has the correct answer before the wall reaches your ship. After creating a hole in the wall fly your ship through the hole that you created. Use the mouse to move the ship & click to shoot.
Tic-Tac-Toe - 2 player game. Easy, medium & hard levels. Basic facts.
Football - Enter answer to the problem & hit "Go" button. If your answer is correct, the ball moves in the air towards to goal post. If you answer incorrectly, you lose a down (a turn). If the ball goes through the goalpost, you score. The game is over when you go 4 downs without scoring.
Bingo - Missing number division facts. You are timed. Choose the correct answer from the bingo board.
Online Quizzes - 14 different quizzes students can take right now on the computer. Scroll down a little form multiplication. The site covers many elementary math subjects.


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Free teacher & homeschool resources: Free ESL, Reading, Writing, Math worksheets online activities & lessons



Online Activities
Mental Magnet Game - Drag correct answer & click check to see if it is right. You choose level A: Facts or B; Missing number facts & choose timed or untimed.

Conveyor Belt - Great for basic division word problem practice. Choose multiple choose or type in answer.
Baseball - You get a math problem. Enter the answer to the problem & hit the "Swing" button. If your answer is correct, you will get a hit. It will decide if the hit is a single, double, triple, or home run based on the difficulty of the problem. Wrong answer & you're out!
Long Division Word Search - Great to review math vocabulary word spelling. (Dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder...).
Long Division - Step by step long division game that allows students to practice their long division skills in a supportive and fun environment. Your students teach a lovable monster named Snork how to do long division. As students complete each step of the long division math problems, Snork is visibly amazed by the intelligence of the students.
Free teacher & homeschool resources: Free ESL, Reading, Writing, Math worksheets online activities & lessons


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Free teacher & homeschool resources: Free ESL, Reading, Writing, Math worksheets online activities & lessons