Reading First Assessment


Fundamental Discoveries About How Children Learn to Read

1. Children who enter first grade weak in phonemic awareness have difficulties learning to “crack the code” of written language.

2. Children who do not acquire good phonemic decoding skills (phonics) in first grade tend to rely too much on guessing; they remain inaccurate in their reading and do not read independently.

3. Children must read widely and read accurately in order to acquire the “sight word vocabulary” that makes them fluent readers.

4. Children who can read the words in grade level text fluently and accurately can more easily comprehend the meaning of what they are reading.

The Consequences of Being Left Behind in Early Reading Growth

1. Children don’t read as much, and miss too many opportunities for reading practice.

2. Reading is frustrating and this affects attitudes and motivation to read.

3. Opportunities for the development of vocabulary are missed.

The Consequences of Being Left Behind in Early Reading Growth

1. Children don’t read as much, and miss too many opportunities for reading practice.

2. Reading is frustrating and this affects attitudes and motivation to read.

3. Opportunities for the development of vocabulary are missed.

Reading First Assessments

Screening & Progress Monitoring

4 times per year
DIBELS – administered by assessment team


School Selection
Where interventions are not having desired effect

Outcome Measures

At the end of the year
Oral Vocabulary – administered by assessment team
Reading Vocabulary – teacher administered
Reading Comprehension – teacher administered

Overview of DIBELS Measures

Letter Naming Fluency

Intended for students in kindergarten through the fall of first grade
Provides a measure of a student’s proficiency in naming upper and lower case letters
Primarily an indicator of risk
Students identified at risk should be instructed in phonological awareness and alphabetic principle

Initial Sounds Fluency

This measure assesses a student’s ability to recognize and produce the beginning sound(s) in an orally presented word
Administered through the late winter of kindergarten
Students performing below expectations in this measure will benefit from instruction in phonological awareness

Phoneme Segmentation Fluency

Measures a student’s ability to segment three- and four-phoneme words into their individual phonemes
The student must produce verbally the individual sounds in words that are presented by the examiner
It is administered in kindergarten and first grades
It is a good predictor of later reading achievement
Strengthened by phonological awareness activities

Nonsense Word Fluency

It taps the student’s knowledge of letter-sound correspondence and ability to blend letters into words (test of the alphabetic principle)
This measure is provided in kindergarten, first and second grades
Students performing below expectations will benefit from activities focusing on decoding

Oral Reading Fluency

measure of fluency in oral reading of connected text.
Students in grades one, two and three will be administered three passages from grade-level text
Students who are weak in reading fluency will often experience difficulty in comprehending what they read

Diagnostic Measures

School selection of diagnostic measures for
Phonological awareness

Outcome Measures

Oral Vocabulary (K – 3)
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test – III form B
Individually administered
Reading Vocabulary (Grades 2 – 3)
Group administered
Reading Comprehension (Grades 1 – 3)
Group administered

Recommended Uses of Student Data

By Teachers
Parent Conferences
To identify students in need of more assistance
To determine if students are improving with extra assistance
To set up reading groups and make changes as needed
Academic Improvement Plans (AIPs)

By Principals
To identify where extra resources and support are needed in specific classrooms, grade levels
To evaluate the effectiveness of new or continued reading programs, supplementary reading programs, instructional strategies
To evaluate the effectiveness of building-level strategies for organization and management